Off for a bit
With Ada’s due date arriving this Sunday, Liza and I are leaving work-mode at the end of the day. (For any potential parents out there curious about how this works given uncertain baby arrival dates, we’re using vacation time until delivery, swapping at that point for kid-based leave.)
That means no working for a bit. Not that anything much has been going on, you know, in tech. I kid. There is no good time to take a break from journalism, so I am trying to not worry about missing too much.
I have a few last things for TechCrunch+ coming up in the next week, but I am mostly done for a few months.
The TechCrunch+ team, filled as it is with sharp-eyed, well-sourced reporters and brilliant editors, will kick butt in my absence. Please make sure you are following their work here. (I presume you already follow TechCrunch but if not, here.)
TechCrunch+ has grown massively in the last few years, both in terms of its journalistic footprint and its subscriber base. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who subscribes, reads, shares, and emails our work. You are the best.
Hugs, and expect this little blog to become rather parenting-focused for a bit. — Alex