Some modest work changes
Starting today I am tweaking my output at TechCrunch. The following changes have nothing to do with the recently-announced sale of TechCrunch’s parent company to Apollo. This is stuff we were working on long before that particular news story fell out of the sky last week.
With the recently-announced departure of the beloved Anthony Ha, I’m taking over a good chunk of the Daily Crunch newsletter, TechCrunch’s main daily email. In short, we’re going to try to invest more energy into the email, ensuring that it presents a holistic look at TechCrunch’s activities, including Extra Crunch, podcasts, Drew’s community work, and the like.
This means that my weekly output at TechCrunch will look like this, at a minimum:
Three episodes of Equity, M/W/F, constituent TechCrunch posts, and other prep and production work.
Five entries of The Exchange column M/T/W/T/F. Happy to note that Anna Heim is helping me with some of these, bolstering the amount of reporting that we can include in their regular production.
The Exchange’s Saturday newsletter/post combination.
Writing the top sections of the Daily Crunch newsletter/post M/T/W/T/F.
Past that I will fit in funding rounds, breaking news, and other things as I can. But with the newsletter entering into my workflow starting the minute I hit publish on this, I will have reduced capacity to cover discrete news items from startups.
Sucks, but I have limited capacity and am doing my best. So, please be patient with me over the next few weeks as I learn how to do a daily newsletter!